A Bribe of 500 Rupees Cost Him a Job Worth 12 Lakh

At DAV School, where dreams were nurtured and ambitions took flight, there was a friend whose journey took an unforeseen turn. His story is a stark reminder of how a seemingly minor mistake can have life-altering results in life. This is the story of my childhood friend, who lost a promising career due to a 500-rupee bribe.

The Starting of a Promising Career

After graduation, my friend, whom we’ll call Raju, was eager to start his professional journey in New Delhi. Coming from a modest background, he had worked tirelessly to secure a job in a reputable financial institution. His family was proud, and he was excited to begin a career that promised a bright future. The position came with an attractive salary of 12 lakh per annum, a significant amount that could change the financial landscape for his entire family.

The Fateful Day

Raju was still new to the job, trying to navigate the complexities of the corporate world. His role involved processing loan applications, a responsibility that required diligence and integrity. One day, a customer approached Raju with a loan application that needed urgent processing. As a token of appreciation, the customer discreetly offered Raju a 500-rupee note.

At that moment, Raju faced a dilemma. He knew accepting money for performing his duties was unethical, but he was also aware that refusing might lead to conflict or dissatisfaction. In a moment of weakness, he accepted the bribe.

Discovery and Consequences

Within a week, during a routine audit, the incident came to light. Raju’s manager discovered the bribe and took swift action. Despite his apologies and attempts to explain, the company had a zero-tolerance policy towards such behaviour. Raju was terminated immediately. The incident was recorded in his employment history, effectively blacklisting him from future job opportunities in the industry.

The Struggle for Redemption

Raju’s life took a downward spiral after his dismissal. Despite his qualifications, he found it nearly impossible to secure another job. He excelled in interviews, impressing potential employers with his knowledge and enthusiasm. However, each time he reached the background verification stage, his past would catch up with him, and the job offer would be withdrawn.

Lessons Learned

Here are some key takeaways from Raju’s experience:

  • Integrity: In any profession, maintaining ethical standards is crucial. A single misstep can overshadow years of hard work and dedication. You can secure a job worth 12 lakh at any time with your skills, but once you lose your respect, it is difficult to regain it.
  • Understanding Consequences: It’s essential to be aware of the potential consequences of one’s actions. In Raju’s case, a small bribe cost him not just his job but his reputation and future prospects.
  • The Importance of Mentorship: As newcomers in any field, guidance from experienced colleagues or mentors can be invaluable. They can provide advice on handling difficult situations and making ethical decisions.
  • Moving Forward: Despite the setbacks, Raju has not given up hope. He is determined to rebuild his life and career, albeit with a more cautious and informed approach. He has been attending workshops and seminars on ethics and professional conduct, aiming to turn his experience into a learning opportunity.

In sharing his story, Raju hopes to inspire others to uphold integrity in all their endeavors and to think twice before making decisions that could have lasting consequences. Remember, a job worth 12 Lakh is useless if you are not honest.