Why you are not getting response to your job applications?

If you’ve applied for countless job applications and still waiting for recruiter’s calls, it’s essential to understand why you might not be hearing back from employers about job applications status.

We will talk about following things:

  • Reason of no response to job applications and interview
  • What to do, if you do not get any response

Why job applications might go unanswered ?

Your resume lacks tailoring to the job

Ensure your resume or CV aligns with the job description and job title, emphasizing on your expertise relevant to each job you apply for. You may be a talented guy but if you are not showcasing your skills in correct way, nobody will buy you.

Your cover letter isn’t customized

Craft a cover letter highlighting why you’re an ideal fit for the vacancy or post. Cover letter must be readable within 30 seconds. Make it as simple as possible but do not forget to mention relevant skills.

You don’t have the required education

If your academics don’t match the asked qualifications, your application may not pass the initial review. You can not do a lot in such case. In early phase of career, you still have chance to pursue any pending college degree but in later stages of career it becomes very difficult.

Incomplete job applications

In-case, you have not filled all mandatory details in job application then it may be the reason of no response from employers. Nobody will bother to contact you to fill the details again.

Absence of relevant keywords

Most of the application do not reach to HR due to rejection by applicant tracking softwareMake sure you have added relevant keywords in your resume and cover letter.

Why employers may not reply after an interview ?

Multiple candidates may have been shortlisted

Employers may be in the process of evaluating other candidates as well. And this is the very common reason of not getting response from employer after an interview.

The vacancy has been filled

In few cases, employer keep interviewing, even if the respective position is filled. This is to keep the enough backup, in-case selected candidate withdraws their job application.

You do not meet expectations

Unfortunately, some companies do not provide instant feedback if candidates are not selected. If you have answered each question very well that does not mean you have been selected. You can watch the following tutorial also to understand your concern:

Video Source – YouTube

What you can do if you’re not getting responses ?

Email to follow-up

You can send a follow-up email to inquire about the decision. Always read it twice before sending and write it professional manner.

Keep your search on

Do not stop searching and applying for target jobs until you find the right one. Never underestimate the power of referral in getting a job. Ask your friends to refer you in matching job profiles in their employer.  

Hiring process is long

To select a person, there are minimum three step, resume shortlisting, interviewing and selecting the perfect fit. So, you need to wait during that time. You may be in hurry however it is not the responsibility of other employer to offer you job instantly.

Learn from last mistake

If you are continuously getting rejected from all job applications then it is matter of concern. Find out the root causes of rejection and work on them. Find out top 10 interview questions of your industry and practice them frequently.

In conclusion, if you find yourself in a situation where you’re not receiving feedback and response after interviewing for jobs, ensure your job application is complete, follow up politely, remain active in your job search.