How to secure your job from lay off

Many employers tend to adopt strategies from prominent brands without thorough consideration. In a recent statement, Google CEO Sundar Pichai highlighted manpower reduction to reorganize the manpower and emphasize innovation. Some new-age brands simply become part of this mob mentality and can put your job at risk. If you have fear of losing your job during layoff and are not sure how to secure your job then this post is specially written for you.

10 TIPS to secure your job

Create a shield of Skills

Very simple advice, keep learning latest and in-demand skill, irrespective of your interest. If you are not growing, you are diminishing your powers. If you think your boss is better at something, learn that first. The more super skills you have, the stronger your job shield becomes in this competitive era.

Job Savvy Friendship

Make good friends in the job world to see the magic in your career. Promotes a collaborative environment where mutual support forms a strong foundation, acting as a protective force for everyone’s job security. Emphasize the importance of sharing creative thoughts and maintaining kindness towards colleagues.

Learning Curve

Just, imagine a lighthouse that guides ships through heavy waves and protects everyone on the ship. So, have a person in your life who can act as a supreme source of knowledge. They can be your colleagues, friends, LinkedIn connections, or relatives. An employer may not take 10 seconds to lay you off, even if you worked for them for 10 years but a real friend will remain supportive throughout your life.

Time Management Gadget

During the initial phase of our career, we underestimate time management skill. Start writing down, where are you spending your time. Invest your time in upskilling yourself at least 20 minutes each day. Reduce your Instagram scroll time and use those hours talking to top leaders of your company.


In my personal experience, I have seen long talks and hours of backbiting about managers in the office. When you spread kindness in the world, it creates an environment that makes your workplace a safe zone. Channelize your energy into positive work and thoughts. If you lose your job, how would you ask for help from a person with whom you had bad relations in office?

Winning Team

As a team member, we all work for a single goal and that is the profit of the company. To achieve that target there are some targets assigned to each team. If you are not contributing to achieving team targets then you are losing your job security. Who so ever you are, as a part of a team always focus on achieving more than expectations with the best quality.

Do not be Stupid

The super-active employees know the next steps of an employer before it is officially executed. If you are an introvert then join a group of other active friends to keep yourself aware. In case you get to know some negative news regarding lay off then start making better relation with your boss. Do not forget, a single positive compliment for someone has more weight than one year of hard work.

Productivity Ninja

Have you ever won a monthly star award for best productivity? If yes, then be cautious. Doing more work is good for your employer not for you. While we don’t suggest neglecting your essential tasks, it’s important to note that excessively overdoing them may not contribute effectively to advancing your career. Work in such a way so that you can achieve your goal and have enough time to work on polishing yourself.

Diverse skillset

Having a deep understanding of one product is good but what after 10 years?  Technology is getting better each day. So, to secure your job, increase the number of skills by learning new processes, soft skills, products, or services. An individual with a diverse skill set is generally less replaceable compared to someone who specializes exclusively in a single technology over an extended period.

Be a solution Centre

Nobody will love to hear problems daily. Companies retain people who have more constructive solutions. A person with huge dissatisfaction in the current team is attracting termination.

Do not just read and let it go. It is the time to secure your job by working on yourself. Make of note of each activity, you are going to start today and execute it.