How can a fresher get 12 LPA package?

The advancements in technology and increased access to valuable information have significantly impacted our earning capabilities. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to come across individuals earning a package of 50 lakh per annum. However, for students who didn’t attend a top college, there are several hurdles to overcome in reaching high salary goals. So, how can a fresher get 12 LPA package to live deluxe life? Here are the essential steps you need to start with.

Do you really deserve 12 LPA package?

You need to be clearer about your vision, capabilities, attitude, lifestyle, and desires. A person who does not believe in learning new skills and working smartly should not expect a high-paying job. Your confidence plays a vital role in your career, and it gets a boost from your skill-set. Acquiring an in-demand skill-set is going to be fruitful throughout your life. So, before you start shaping your goals and income expectations, engage in these short exercises:

  • Work on your weaknesses
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Align goals with your professional life

Top 5 tips to get 12 LPA package for freshers

A resume that talks

Your resume is not just a document; it is an extension of you. You cannot engage in direct conversations with every recruiter, and recruiters often lack the time to interact with each applicant individually. So, how can both the applicant and the recruiter efficiently get to know each other? This is where the significance of a well-crafted resume and CV comes into play. Personally, I allocate more than an hour to refining my resume before each job application. It is advisable not to use the same resume for all job applications; instead, tailor it to align with the specific job description.

Internship to become experienced

Experiencing rejection due to a lack of professional experience can be disheartening. If feasible, consider acquiring internships during your college days. Another option is to delve into freelancing services. The primary objective is to garner practical experience in a working environment. At this stage, the focus should not be on monetary gains. By engaging in meaningful work, you will gain valuable insights into your future goals and interests. Individuals with internships or freelancing experience tend to have higher chances of being selected.

A mind-blowing communication style

Nobody would love to work with a boring person. We spend approximately 90,000 hours at the workplace. Therefore, hiring managers always look for individuals who possess a learning attitude and are versatile in nature. Do not get demotivated if you struggle with communication; it is a skill that can be acquired. Always remember, to secure a high-paying job, you need to start working on yourself from today onwards.

Optimized LinkedIn profile

Surrounding yourself with the right people in a physical environment has its limitations. Therefore, create a network of inspiring individuals and connect with them on LinkedIn. Dedicate some time to optimizing your LinkedIn profile. It is advisable to build profiles on job portals in the last year of college so that you gain a thorough understanding of these platforms. If you possess a skill that is not in demand on LinkedIn, consider it a red flag.

Cracking interview is an art

You may score well in college, but what is the use if it does not land you a high-paying job? Search for the top 10 interview questions and customize your answers. Include relevant skills in your responses to impress the recruiter. Don’t forget to practice each answer more than ten times before the interview. You can practice for interview on Yoodli application also. You may watch this video to get more information.

Video source – YouTube

Bonus tip to get salary package of 12 LPA

Make a list of the top 20 companies that offer high salaries to freshers. Visit their websites and apply for relevant jobs through their portals. Connect with their teams on LinkedIn and ask for job referrals. Expand your reach by engaging in relevant posts on job portals. Repeat this activity twice a month with a different resume.

All the information mentioned above, to answer the question of ‘how can a fresher get 12 LPA package,’ is based on our real experience. Be the best version of yourself by learning in-demand skills.

2 thoughts on “How can a fresher get 12 LPA package?”

  1. Pingback: Package of 14 LPA
  2. Pingback: Job Worth 12 Lakh

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