How Joking About Myself Helps Me Handle Stress

In a shocking incident in July, 2024, an HDFC Bank employee suffered a heart attack while at work. This tragic event underscores the immense stress and mental pressure many of us face in our professional lives. It brought back memories of my own journey and how I learned to handle stress through a simple yet effective strategy: joking about myself.

When I started my career in 2012, I was a shy and introverted individual. I rarely spoke to my colleagues and took on a tremendous amount of mental pressure without any reason. I was terrified of making mistakes and never asked questions, even when I was unsure about updates or tasks. This self-imposed isolation and fear led to significant mental stress, manifesting in sleepless nights and a constant feeling of anxiety.

The Turning Point

My breakthrough came thanks to my friend Surjeet. Seeing my distress, he advised me to start talking to my colleagues and build connections. Initially, I was confused, but I decided to give it a try anyway. Little did I know, this advice would transform my professional and personal life.

I began by joining group conversations and slowly started to open up. The first few attempts were awkward, but I soon realized that my colleagues were friendly and supportive. As I became more comfortable, I started cracking jokes, often at my own expense. This self-deprecating humor became a crucial tool in my stress management toolkit.

The Power of Self-Deprecating Humor

Self-deprecating humor breaks down barriers. When you joke about yourself, it makes you more approachable and relatable. Your colleagues see you as someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously, creating an environment where everyone feels more comfortable.

Secondly, it shifts your perspective. By making light of your own mistakes and shortcomings, you start to see them as less daunting. This doesn’t mean you stop striving for excellence; it means you stop beating yourself up for every little error. You learn to laugh at yourself, which is a powerful way to diffuse tension and anxiety. Lastly, it fosters a positive work environment. This positive energy can improve team dynamics, making collaboration smoother and help to handle stress.

My Transformation to handle stress

Today, on August 1st, 2024, I can confidently say that I am a completely different person from the shy guy who started his career in 2012. I’ve learned that sharing your emotions and being open with your colleagues can significantly reduce stress. It’s okay to say no when you can’t handle a task, and it’s crucial to seek support from your peers.

The change didn’t happen overnight. It took time and consistent effort to shift from a place of isolation and fear to one of openness and humor. But the results have been worth it. I now sleep better, feel more relaxed, and enjoy my work much more. I’ve built strong relationships with my colleagues, and together we create a supportive and enjoyable work environment.

Lessons I HAVE Learned from my life

Share Your Emotions

Don’t bottle up your feelings. Talk to your colleagues and friends about what you’re going through. Sharing can significantly reduce your mental burden.

Be Lighthearted

Learn to laugh at yourself. It makes you more approachable and helps you see your challenges in a new light. You are smart enough to do anything. Believe in your-self.

Seek Support to handle stress

Remember, you are not alone. There are always people in the office who will support you. Building connections can provide a strong support network. It’s okay to say no. Don’t take on more than you can handle. Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining your mental health.

Let’s learn from each other and support one another in our journeys toward better mental health and happiness. Handle stress like a pro.